Traditionally the throwing board (Norsaq) was used to add power to the throw when harpooning prey. A throwing board is well suited to train Greenland rolls and a great passing stage to learn hand rolling. Looks great on the fore deck.
Throwing board Norsaq
A Classic West Greenland Throwing board that goes with the harpoon. The throwing board is made from Ash and is a copy of a throwing board from the Upernavik vicinity, North West Greenland. You can buy the norsaq with or without the harpoon
Price 24 Euro

kayak harpoon Unaaq
Price 248 Euro
The knob harpoon is the most common and versatile of the kayak harhoons and is closely linked to seal hunting from kayak.

Fore shaft and ends - Azobé - Red Ironwood
Matching throwing bord (Included) - Ash
Fore shaft is tied on with leather thong Harpoon throwing is a classic discipline at the annual national Greenland championships. The GreenlandPaddle harpoon is build to last and is also a delight at home over the fireplace. The harpoon is trimmed and ready to use.
Below: Kayak hunter from East Greenland one of the few places in the Arctic where the kayak harpoon is still used for the summer hunt of narwhale
Photo: Troels Grene
Length 211 cm. wood, bone, fine condition. Made in Greenland late 1950s
Length 204 cm. wood, bone, fine condition. Made in Greenland late 1950s
Greenland harpoon West Greenland [SOLD]
Ship world widePrice
1600 DKK / 215 Euro / 285 USD
Greenland harpoon West Greenland [SOLD]
Ship world widePrice
1400 DKK / 200 Euro / 265 USD